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Project Development Studio Week 1

Dream: Making interfaces that enable self-exploration & self-reflection.

Vision: A mirror that shows you who you want to be instead of who you are.

Goal: Build an installation composed of a screen, a camera, and a galvanic skin response sensor. When the participant steps into the installation and places their hands on the sensor, a picture of the participant is taken. For the next minute or so, the following process is repeated: (1) the picture is subtly being modified (2) if the participant’s GSR increases, then the new version is kept, else revert to previous one.


Feb 17 - Research visual face manipulation techniques. Build a reliable GSR sensor.

March 2 - Research iteration process.

March 23 - Finalize installation design. Buy materials.

April 6 - Fabricate installation.

April 20 - User testing. Documentation.